
Kennedy's 1st Birthday Party

Today Andee and I went to Kennedy's 1st Birthday Party. It was at the neatest place and there were tons of little princesses and fairies running around. It was very fun, despite Andee throwing major fits because she was sooooo tired! Can't you tell from the picture?!


Unknown said...

Dearest Jamie...
You are truly gifted. Thank you so much for capturing these precious moments.
Love you,

Juliene said...

Hi Jamie!

Amber shared the photos of Kennedy with me and they are fabulous! I also checked out all of your other photos as well. You are a truly gifted photographer!

We used to live in TX and attend the Ark. My girls were in the Ark Kids Choir with Amber & then later with Stephanie! We just moved to AL last August. I wish we lived there now so you could photograph my children! You are truly an amazing photographer!

Have you heard of Creative Memories? I'm a consultant and if you don't already use our products, I know you would love them to showcase your beautiful photographs! If you want to check it out please visit my website at www.mycmsite.com/jwallace. Our Digital Storybooks would be a great way to showcase samples of your photographs, as well as options for your clients. Let me know if you would like more information.

With joy,
Juliene Wallace